Our Story

The Perfect Location

We have the most perfect setting. Every day of the year our countryside changes. It is a joy to behold.

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In The Family

In 1990, Otter Brewery began brewing its beer from a farmhouse in the heart of Devon’s Blackdown Hills.

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The Best Ingredients

A Michelin star rated chef would never compromise on the ingredients – what’s different?

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Modern Brewery

We live with our brew so the ‘hands on craft‘ is not compromised.

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Green Credentials

You only have to look around our location to understand the importance of looking after the environment.

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Award-Winning Beer

It’s a joy for all concerned to be recognised for the quality of our beers and the way in which we run the brewery.

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Is there a better selection of BBQ beers, than a mixed case of twelve Now including Otter Amber!
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